What's happening?
AGM 27th August
Valerie Staunton, President, August 2012
The Band's AGM was held at the Studio at 7.30pm on the Monday 27th August 2012.
Thanks were given to all the volunteers and especially the committee for their invaluable contribution throughout the year.
Valerie Staunton has been re-elected as President, Paul Richards is the incoming Vice President, Ann Staunton still stands as Secretary and Julie Lovegrove stands again as our valuable Treasurer. Committee members, Leonie Mattsson, Ashley Anderson, and Yvonne Lowe are welcomed back and special welcome to youngest committee member Leah Lovegrove.
The Trevor Hancox Most Consistent Player Perpetual Trophy was awarded to Julie Lovegrove for her consistency in contribution to the band in many ways. Congratulations Julie!

Planning 2013 FAME Awards
Valerie Staunton, President, August 2012
The committee has confirmed they will continue hosting the Film And Music Entertainment Awards in 2013. After a huge success from the inaugural FAME Awards the committee held a SWOT analysis to start the planning process for the 2nd Annual Awards.
The date has been set for Friday, June 28th 2013.
Entries into the Short Film and Music Video categories will be called for in coming weeks, once criteria and guidelines have been reviewed and set.