The Spirit of the Waldya Eagle by Gary Fisher
Winner Best Short film & Raine & Horne's People's Choice Award
Best Music Video
Wallaby Sam by
The Dark Clouds
by Matthew Freak, Jock Carr & Django Elliot
Winner Magic 899 Under 15 Award
The FILM AND MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT AWARDS have been created to provide artists the
opportunity to show their contemporary works and hopefully wins some cash for their troubles!
The 2017 FAME Awards have officially be declared as the best ever. With a sell out crowd, a fantastic array of entertainment, a record number of entries and raising nearly $4000 in funds for the Port Lincoln City Band. This years show was brilliant, with the stage set as Willy Wonkas Chocolate factory, MTC Dance, Passionis Productions & the Mens Probus Choir added new levels of entertainment. Amazingly talented soloists wooed the audience & the visuals of the entries were well received, with such a huge diversity in entries.
Congratulations to the
2017 FAME Winners!
Best Short Film
Gary Fisher - The Spirit of the Waldya Eagle
Raine & Horne People's Choice Award-
Gary Fisher - The Spirit of the Waldya Eagle
Best Music Video
The Dark Clouds - - Wallaby Sam
Magic 899 Under 15s Award
Matthew Freak, Jock Carr & Django Elliot - Decisions
Red Carpet interviews with Helen Marks
Special thanks to:
Paul Rohan at OnEyre for the 360 degree VR presentations
Mark Thomas at MissingLink Media for the RedCarpet Interviews & backing visuals
Pete Mihalaras for tech & lighting & sound & last minute inclusion juggling
Helen Marks & Ray Marino for hosting & signing & entertaining
Darryl & Ann Staunton for the decorations
Eva, Carmel, Leanne & Helen for kitchen support
Ann Hill for many odd jobs & ongoing support
Max Coulson (Images On Eyre) & Shakira Baldock for photography
Grant Eckermann for ongoing support & help in many areas
Darryl Staunton & Mary Crawford for managing the fizzy lifting room
Passionis Productions team for support throughout the night
MTC Dance for astounding choreography & dance support
Men's Probus Choir
Whyalla Community Brass
Jo, Carolyn & Jamie
Greg Eden
Bill Kannaassar
Asha Edwards
Sarah Laube
Rebekah Fatchen
Josh Phillips
& special mention to Amanda Spalding at Bombshell Costumes for the hard work in sourcing & creating the costumes for the band!
and our amazing sponsors
Flinders Ports
Port Lincoln Carpets & Flooring Direct
Cellar Folk Club